A dressage lesson on Miaren

He really liked the mirror. He thinks he's pretty.

Walking around the ring.
He's been in this ring for shows and settled nicely.
I still have to work to ask for bend correctly. An on-going battle.
I think I'm winning on the bending front.
I forget more at the trot about asking correctly.
He softens, but doesn't always come through. It's always improving, but takes time.
He can be very good at the halt. So much improved in the last few months.
Canter work. Luckily he doesn't mind the ocassional tap with the spur when I'm not thinking.
Our last couple of rides we came to an understanding about the transitions. I just have to ask very quietly and he's happy to give it. If I ask to harshly with seat and legs, then he gets balky. Light is good.
This was our first canter in a dressage ring. Everything came up quicker, but when he got it, it was lovely.
Back to an easy trot.
Another canter. Not going deep in the corners. That will come.
A little too deep in the coner for us just yet. Still, he got us out of it.
With the transitions, the canter is actually fun.
And a nice open trot to finish up.
His opinion of the water.
Not bad about going in this time.
We walked around.
And in and out. And trotted through.