Adding a room
Oct 2008

After finding a roofer to replace the regular roof with a metal roof
and fix the tower roof from hail damage back in spring, thoughts turned
to raising the roof.  We didn't want to replace the roof that we wanted to raise,
so we discussed doing the remodel.
The roofing contractor knew a carpenter, and we were off.

Starting the tear off. We had the metal roof put on where it wasn't affected by the remodel the week before.
I think it helped that the attic had a plywood floor when they got to this stage. 
We had to clear out the closet and the attic space before they started working.
We brought the house down (well, at least the roof).
It looked like a lot more space without the roof.
It was very strange to sleep knowing there wasn't a roof over our heads.
New walls and a sloping roof.
There will be French doors onto the balcony.
With crenellations.
The room inside is 20X20. Not that big, but a good sized room for this house.
The roof slopes to the patio side.
We'll be able to use the 'door to nowhere' to get on the roof if we want.
At this level we're pretty much surrounded by trees, which might make for a nice roof top patio.
I am so happy that the valley is gone.
The crew worked tirelessly.