Novice Event at Curragh
We got 6th.
5th after dressage and 3 sec time penalties on cross country.
Actually a very good day. We got 8s on both our canter circles,
which we've been working on, and we were clear in
stadium and cross country. Plus, I think it's the best
cross country run we've had. We were working together
and only had a couple of bad spots. Just a lot of fun.

The fences are getting higher and he's just loving it.

Today was a day for good spots.
What a good boy! He did two flying lead changes that really helped with the bending twisting course that we had. In the past he would break to a trot. This time he had the engagement to change. It was great to ride...
Just to show that we're not always in sync. At this double combination I got left behind and really interfered.
But, we got ourselves together for the second element.