Dressage Work in the New Year

I compared this picture to one we took about a year ago. I can see minimal differences (head more on the vertical, maybe more reach underneath), but riding this walk is so different than a year ago. We can march, and shorten and lengthen and bend and stretch. It's a world of difference, but you can't really see it in a picture.

Compared to last year's picture, he is definitely stepping under himself more, and lifting his front end more. He's really learning to bend...
I love this. This frame 6 months ago would have been wrong. Now it works, because if I lengthened the rein, he would stretch his head down and stay in the balanced trot. 6 months ago, he'd have either put his head up, or started rushing the trot to keep his balance. We finally have a balanced, adjustable trot.
Looks a little strange, but I think we're leg yielding.
We're either doing turn on the haunches, or finishing up a walk pirouette. Either way, he's thinking real hard.
The canter is coming along, but I have to realize that our trot has just gotten consistent in the last month. I can't expect him to 'get it' all at once.
Nope, we don't fall over in the next frame. Just moving over to the right, or trying a haunches in, which we just haven't figured out.
I am just in awe of what this horse will do for me.
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