On the train to Poland. First we were in a private sleeping car.

Then we switched at 5 am in Berlin to an open sleeping car. Here's Amanda with our complimentary breakfast.

Amanda didn't care to sleep, but the rest of the train had no trouble.

We were picked up at the train station in Konin and driven out to Kazimierz Biskupi. Only a 15 minute drive or so.

Daria, Marta and Amanda. Cousins from a few (or more) generations back.

Peach tree in the garden.

I loved all the doors and access hatches around the house.

A bicycle lived behind this door.

The back door to the house opened onto the patio and back yard.

One side of the garden just starting to grow.

More flowers and plants on this side.

Built in 1844. Many generations have lived here.

I found it interesting when brick would be under stucco.

Jan built this from different cars. I think it was a Fiat grill for the front part.

Lace curtains in most of the windows.

Concrete formed and used for fences. I'm sure they're built to last.

The last Jaffa Cake. They somehow tasted better when eating them in Poland.

Taking a walk around town.

Cobblestone like this makes me think of Polish sidewalks.

Had to grab this one. It looked like Phara's old apartment entry as I remember it.

The Plac Wolnosci in KB. There's a monument to soldiers in WWII in the middle.

Gosha, Marta and me. Heading to the store for some sok (juice) probably.

Memories of living in an apartment with a balcony for drying my clothes.

Yum, the breakfast table. I haven't found bread that good, yet.

iPhone proof that I was there. Germany to the left and Warsaw to the right.

The old church/monastery down the street from the house. I think the oldest church in Poland.

Smokestacks in the distance made me think of Wisconsin. The houses seemed to use coal.

Concrete electric poles. Again, they'll last longer than our wood ones.

Marta and Daria in the forest.

Amanda liked walking around in the woods.

Me with my Polish 'Please, have you seen David Tennant?' shirt on.

With Daria and Amanda in front of the gnarly old tree.

I think it's comforting to me to not have a giant selection. I remember enjoying trying different sausages when I lived there.

Getting ready for some champagne and toasting with the pink bubbly.

It was fun to talk about what Dzigislawa enjoyed when she was growing up. Going to dances at the Dom Cultura and later Disco Polo.

Gathered together watching TV and talking in the evening.

Daria and Marta had to do a lot of translating and there was a lot of laughing.

Marta got the giggles and laughed and laughed.

Jan loved talking about the old classic cars we knew.

Amanda showed Marta how to crochet and they spent some time each day with their hooks.

On a side trip to Poznan. Second class tickets and the trains were full. We spent the hour or so watching kids run around and looking out the windows.

No smoking on the trains. I was pleasantly surprised to see that.

Neat building in Poznan.

Had to take a picture of the peacock by the pond for mother.

Another unique building in Poznan.

Planter boxes on the balcony.

I tried to find another cousin I had met in Poznan years ago. The name was right, but after 5 stilted conversations pressing the apartment buzzer each time, I excused myself in Polish. I guess it wasn't my cousin.

A church in Poznan.

Take a picture of me by the lion. Everyone else is doing it.

Cool door.

Hungry, we settled on Chinese for lunch. We ordered too much food, and they had to run out to break my hundred. But it was good.

There were stars on the ceiling.

Legos in Poland and everywhere.

Loved this gargoyle.

I rarely see this kind of flower that's not plastic.

We had our pick of roses.

The yellow were pretty, too.

We got some pink tinged ones to take back to KB.

Not enough time to visit the shopping mall. Until we saw the signs we thought it was a university.

Obligatory tram picture. We got tickets, but never did ride.

Wilting a bit on the ride back. We did get seats this time. Amanda kindly traded with me so I could sit facing forward when it started moving.

And the last train ride. Seasoned travelers now, we spent most of the time on our iPads going to Warsaw.

The other shopping mall I didn't get to shop at. We went in, but I'd forgotten stores would be closed on Sunday.

Pretty drink at the Hard Rock Cafe in Warsaw.

Amanda was pleased to go to a Hard Rock that her parents haven't been to.

The landmark building I think of when I think of Warsaw.

Copernicus is Polish.

Getting close to the older part of Warsaw.

Near the palace.

Looking toward the stadium and the Wisla River (unless we were backwards and I'm wrong).

The rebuilt old town.

Part of the castle on one side and all the old buildings along the walking street.

Cool dragon.

Looking down side streets you never know what you'll see.

Now apartments, but kept original on the exterior.

Outside cafes and lots of people out on Sunday.

A quick glimpse at the Chinese Embassy as we walked past the guards.

Farewell pictures with the family, then we boarded the train to Warsaw.