More cabinet work
I'm not sure what I'll do with my spare time
once these things are finished. Free weekend time
and time after work is spent in this room doing something.
My husband says maybe I'll get his baseboards sealed and
put up in his room....

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One more valance to cut. Tons of shelves and room for more if I  cut them and put them in. I wanted to put a piece of wood on the shelves for edging, but I just did banding because of the cost. I still plan for molding on the verticals, and narrow crown molding across the top to cover the gap and exposed plywood edge at the ceiling.

The doors I picked out for the lower part of the cabinets. I need more hinges to put the rest in.
One completed drawer set. I'm building up the courage to put the drawer fronts on. Just a little nervous about getting them level and evenly spaced.
I wanted the arch look of the main windows, but I was limited to how I could make the cuts myself. I'm satisfied with the look these have.
Looking up from the top of the stairs. Once I find a stain that comes close to matching the doors I'll take all the shelves down and get started doing that.
A side view of the doors. I had to recut the wood for the two missing drawers. They're ready to be made and put in place now.
A view of my floor with the moulding darkened to match. Yes, that's some stain on the far wall. Even with the tape border I got some on the wall. I also need to take the time to texture below the stairs and stain the first two steps in the platform. Hard to believe this was just plain old plywood.
Bart's rug choice for the third floor. It comes close to matching the black and gold curtains and he likes the 'architectural' quality.