Adamir's First Time Schooling Cross Country

Adamir seemed to have so much fun. After the first jump, every time I'd squeeze him into a trot and circle toward a jump, he'd get so eager. His knees were really tight and we didn't have any runouts or refusals (I don't count the hay bale jump. We didn't get close enought to that to call it a refusal).

He just attacked the fences.
My trainer says wear my vest next time. She thinks it might keep me from rounding...
Surprising to me, but he was most scared of these hay bales. We had gotten to the point on the course that we weren't showing him the jumps, but just letting him trot up and over. He wouldn't get near these bales until I walked him up and let him sniff them (last winter all his hay came in round bales).
The last jump. He acted so proud after overjumping it so big.
Adamir followed a horse into the water, and quickly figured out that splashing is fun
Big jump out of the water